Saturday, July 23, 2011

Have Young Earth Creationists abandoned the "living fossils" argument that used to claim that various.....?

These people are desperate, so they cling to any idiotic idea. The problem for them is that the 'gaps' in which 'god' can hide are getting smaller and smaller, so they have to recycle arguments, even tho' they know they have been destroyed, in hopes of winning a small skirmish in the presence of a younger generation.

Looking for new bands to listen to?

I listen to pretty much everything hardcore, punk, and metal, from Veara to A Day to Remember to Parkway Drive to Suicide Silence to MXPX to Four Year Strong to Underoath to Mastodon to Enter Shikari to Abandon All Ships to We Came as Romans. I already listen to a LOT of bands but tell me any band I don't know/listen to and i'll look them up

Could this be a sign of sickness?

So for the past few days, I have been extremely overwhelmed. I just found out that my dad might possibly have cancer and for the past few days, I honestly feel like I'm living in a nightmare. Nothing seems real except I know it is. I've started feeling lost, abandoned, and also sick. My mom and I have always got along but for the past couple days, I feel like she doesn't know me at all and that she's judging me. Once in a while, I'll feel nausiated and dizzy, but I haven't actually thrown up at all. I was just wondering if my feelings emotionally could be a symptom of a sickness or what not. So basically, I'm dizzy, feeling lost, abandoned, and misunderstood. Thanks to any helpful answers!

Do you think this commercial is demeaning to our sport?

it's insulting, yes. I didn't drink that piss water they sell before, and i damn sure wouldn't drink it now that they've publicly insulted my sport.

I need help finding out a movie name, but I only remember one scene....If I describe it to you could you help?

Okay, all I remember is that it's a rather new movie(within the last 1-2 years), it's about zombies and the scene that I remember is there is this woman and a man and the go into this abandon dark diner/gas station thingy and there the man(kinda looks like an officer or something) leaves her to find something and she sits and gets a drink of water and then sees a zombie so she goes into this room where she has to lay with other dead bodies to blend in, then the man(officer dude) grabs her from behind and she screams and he muffles her voice and she realizes it's him so she stops fighting and screaming and they go into this other room with a semi-truck in it and they open the door to get in and a dead man falls out and they get in while zombies are coming after then...that's all I remember...HELP ME PLEASE! the movie name has been bugging me forever!!! lol

Can I put poppyseeds in my pot of coffee and brew then together?

I want to brew a pot of coffee and try putting poppyseeds in with the coffee to brew --what do yoy think???

Have you ever seen south east asian half north east asian that turn out look like biracial asian-caucasian?

Wow strange. I have not seen that outcome, but i know some people who are mixed with Southeast Asian and Northeast Asian. They just look Asian.

Biological Dad VS Step Dad...In A Parental Crisis!!?

You're right not have anything to do with the father ever again. If when he is out of jail, he starts to take interest, then let him. He will try it to get to you and see if you will let him back in your life. There might even be a custody battle. Be aware. That is how he will try to get you back. Sounds like you brought stability back and that is what the child needs. Don't give in. Stay with your feelings they are right. Mothers usually get custody because of a tender year law. You don't need a deadbeat for a Dad.

Proofreading needs, thank you,.?

What proof read, the words are in English but the sentence structure is completely missing and the syntax makes the whole thing gibberish. I can tell you are writing about tea but beyond that it makes absolutely no sense.

Movie Auditions! What do you do for an audition?

I have been in musicals and plays.. however I haven't done a film audition ever. I have an audition for a movie next week. They sent me the side. Do I memorize it? Where do I look? The character is playing golf... do I mime some of the character's activity? Please answer soon! Thank you!

Please yahoo answers be useful ?

Yes apply for welfare! & section 8. I'm pretty sure you will get something! Also apply for college because it'll probably help you get more if they see you're a college student with loans. Scholarships & grants will be plenty available to you. You sound like a wonder person & I will pray for you. <3

What do you think of this verse I wrote?

The flow isn't as smooth as usual, it's a bit bumpy because you're trying to create a constant rhyme. Either work on the choice of words or loosen the rhyming scheme, otherwise it's still on par with your others :-)

Need help with this Anime movie?

Ok i only remember bits and pieces. Its about this girl who gets stuck in this spirit world. Her parents turn into pigs after eating the spirit food. She then gets help from this boy who is really the river spirit. The same river she fell into when she was younger. Anyhow. She gets hired to work in a bath house that is run by an evil witch with a fat baby. The witch has a twin sister who is good and helps her. The evil witch then gives the girl a new name but the boy tells her not to forget her real name because if she does she'll never be able to return to the real world....theres a bunch of characters. The three rolling heads, the old spiders guy, the weird black mime looking spirit who eats everyone in the bath house. I cant think of the name for the life of me. Help?

Is sassafras necessary for brewing rootbeer?

Sassafras is a key ingredient. You can no longer buy the actual root-it is carcinogenic.You might not have it where you are, but here you can find sassafras extract without the dangerous compound under the name Pappy's on the tea aisle in the grocery-it's liquid in a bottle and should work.

How do I take care of a kitten? Please help quickly.?

You will need to get formula for the kitten. They make special formula for kittens that you can buy at animal hospitals for sure and maybe pet stores. The kitten must be fed every two hours. Raising a kitten is a huge commitment! You should get to a vet soon to determine it's age so you will know if it needs milk or solid foods. If it is young, it will need to be kept warm and fed frequently. If it is older, say 6 weeks or so, it may eat solids. If it is trying to suckle, it needs milk. Maybe try giving it water to see if it drinks... Good Luck! Definitely get to a vet soon! Also, surf the web for advice!

I have a robin's nest in my tree with four baby robins in it... and a lot of questions.?

I saw four eggs, and then four babys. This momma has been taking care of them for a week or so now. One of the babies fell out last night or this morning, and I carefully put on a hypo-allergenic plastic glove that's never been touched before and put the little guy back in there and left it alone. I am concerned that this will happen again though, and was wondering if anyone had an idea of a good way to re-enforce it. I was thinking of maybe putting a very shallow cardboard box underneath it to kind of catch the babies if they fell, I've read several places that robins wont abandon their babies because of smell, so I'm not worried about my touching the one, I'm just concerned that if I upset it too much she wont come back. I really want these birds to live, they are such a joy to watch, but there are many children and dogs around and I don't want them to hurt or kill the little birds if they fall, and I certainly don't want the fall to kill them either... any suggestions?

Does anyone know what this song by fred hammond is called?

I heard it when some boys mimed to it a while back in my church. It talks about Christ coming back to get his people?

Please! how do you say this in spanish?

"we brewed a cup of beautiful coffee in the mountain"   please dont use yahoo or google translate

Have you ever had a strong desire to become a mime?

No I have not but I once saw a movie where no-one spoke only grunted as it was a comedy about cave people. The only person who had a line to say was Marcel Marceau. How ironic.

What kind of Starbuck coffee does the store brew?

Please Help? I recently started drinking Starbuck coffee and I love the smell and taste. What kind of Starbuck coffee does the store brew? Please help if you work for Starbuck or anyone know what kind of coffee they use. I would like to buy a machine to brew myself to save money. Thank you

URGENT! What do I feed my baby Zebra Finch, the parents abandoned them!?

Water and finch bird seed is what they need. Perhaps the parents stopped feeding them to get them started eating on their own.

Mint chocolate chip frappe?

I have one of those Mr. Coffee frappe machines (brews the coffee and then blends your ingredients). I know how to make various frappes with vanilla and chocolate, but I'm curious about using mint chocolate chip ice cream. Would that taste alright with coffee? And should I add any milk to the mix?

If I want to be a dermatologist; is there any way I can go to Disney college first?

Disney College Program is simply an internship where college students get to work at disneyland and participate in really cool once in a lifetime things. Some colleges will give internship credit for it, and some won't. Either way, it's an amazing opportunity and it is super cool! I did it, I got 6 credits from my school. So, Yes. you can go to the Disney college, but it's only for a semester or 2 and it isn't instead of going to another college (such as Berkley). It would probably actually help you in the long run, people like to look at your transcript and resume and see that you worked with Disney, it's a good thing.

Do I need a heater belt for temperature control brewing wine on the second stage of fermentation?

I have seperated the liquid from the must and leaving it to continue to ferment for 3 weeks. Is using a belt heater permitted?

Is my brother's friend autistic or mildly retarded?

It is hearing loss. Your brother and him are using sign language not shapes... You should learn it, that way you can talk to them.

Is this a true one or scam?

That's a Nigerian scam. I've seen at least 50 other letters referencing the same plane crash and same type of situation. Stuff like that is always a scam.

Speeding up wine making?

If you are willing to sacrifice taste, you could filter it. Perfect clarity is nice to have but not critical. Just siphon off some of the supernatant for your guests.

What would be the first think you would say if. . .?

. . . you were a homeless teenager, sleeping inside an abandoned house, and suddenly a teen girl walked in (the homeowner) with a pistol?

Good books for starting a business?

I'm looking to start a brew pub. I have a few book suggestions about opening up a brewery but I'd also like a few good books for opening a small business. Any suggestions?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Should I carry on with footie practice?

I'm the worst player in my team, but I love football, it's so good. I'm better than everyone who doesn't play football but I'm still the worst plus everyones in friendship groups:/ but there's a few more people joined so if I make a new impression then I could be mates with her. I'm sub for at least half of the game!I'm good in goal though- I've never let any goals in and been in goal for 2 or 3 matches and most of the time I go upfront. But I DON'T WANT TO QUIT:( so which option should I do? OPTION 1: CARRY ON, GET FITTER, USE MY TREADMILL ALL THE TIME SO IM THE FASTEST RUNNER IN MY TEAM AND BE MORE MYSELF TO MAKE MORE FRIENDS IN MY TEAM? :) or should I pick OPTION 2: QUIT AND FIND ANOTHER SPORT AND ABANDON MY FAVORITE HOBBY? I want to prove my dad wrong, that I am NOT THE ******* WORST PLAYER? HELP?:) thankssssss

I want to start running to improve my fitness but I am embarrassed.?

I don't think you would feel comfortable running along the abandoned road, there is a reason your parents drilled the 'stranger danger' stuff into you and if you twisted an ankle or something and couldn't walk you might be hard to find. Your dog might be able to keep up with you but consider they have to train to be in condition too. It might be best not to put the dog through that, especially in the summer heat. A miniature poodle can't really protect you. I suggest you run along the highway (facing the traffic) and believe me, when people see a runner, they admire that they go out and run and get exercise, not what you could possibly look like. Good luck!

I received this e-mail and I'm not sure if it's legitimate?

Scam!!!! That's a phishing email. Don't reply to the message and give out your personal information to total strangers or you'll risk losing your account to them. Remember that Yahoo doesn't send unsolicited emails to all its users, as the company already has all that stored in its well-secured servers. Just get it deleted without delay.

What's that title of the movie ?

It's when a guy and his partner gets shot and they go into an abandon house then a doctor or nurse comes to help the person who gets shot and then later in the end the main characters life is on repeat and he is Tied down to a bed and wrapped with gauze or something like that ?

I need help on taking care of an abandoned bird egg!?

So a nest was raided and 2 baby blue eggs were left behind on the ground. I need advice on how to care for the egg and what to feed the chick when it hatches! Please help. (:

Best eeveelution on pokemon leaf green also rate my current party sugest pokemon changes?

your team is good and well rounded and jolteon with shockwave, thunder, thunderwave, and agility, because it is really fast but sometimes it dosent work out all right


so lately me and my girlfriend has been sexually active and we been together for 1 year now and her dad caught us and now i cant see her anymore hes the biggest dick in the world a person you wouldn't ever . see so negative is him. we were thinking about me leaving a bruse on her and telling the cops and he would go to jail for a very long time and he would go to jail for brewing ethanol without a license he use to like me but cause shes a teenager now shes prob about to get beat by her dad that hit her all her life so help please 10 Pt's for the best answer!! btw she has no mom

Movie Auditions! What do you do for an audition?

I have been in musicals and plays.. however I haven't done a film audition ever. I have an audition for a movie next week. They sent me the side. Do I memorize it? Where do I look? The character is playing golf... do I mime some of the character's activity? Please answer soon! Thank you!

Why can not Yahoo fix their mail problems?

I cannot get into my Yahoo mail the page says "new mail cannot load" error something 14. I cannot even go to old mail, as the page suggests. I have tried everything I can, but still no email access. Do I have to abandon Yahoo now, and seek another browser email and home page? Instructions say to email me when solution to problem is solved, but I cannot access my email. What do I do?

Is my pokemon firered team good?

My team is Dragonite lv 66 with fly outrage, thunderbolt, ice beam.Mr.Mime(traded for abra)lv 68 psychic, psybeam, magical leaf, toxic. Articuno with agility,mind reader,ice beam, fly(lv 64). Charizard lv 68 flamethrower, fly ,slash ,earthquake. Raichu with shock wave, thunderbolt, strength, dig. I also need a grass type. Im not sure to get Vilplume or Bellosom.

How do I get legal custody of a dog that has been at my house for over a month?

I've been taking care of this dog which racks up some pretty expensive care taking. Shes been abandoned for 30 days which I think plays a role for federal laws. If it wasn't for the fact that we want to register her with a vet (unlike previous owner), we would leave things as is.

How to mime drowning?

Blow your cheek up, make your face red by holding your breath if you can, gasping, and holding your throat.

Am I the Only person planing Halloween?

evey time I ask my friends what they're going to be they look at my like I forgot my meds!!!!!!! & what are you going to be??? I'm gonna be a mime

Have you ever had an extremely powerful euphoric spiritual moment?

Your story put tears in my eyes. I myself have gone through the exact same experience that you did. I think many people are going through this, as we speak. Current events are waking people up. I think God is tapping on everyone's shoulder. Most lose their way, at some point in their lives. Thank the Lord, that he reminds us he's there and then welcomes our return. I'm happy for you, that you have found your way back home. My most intense spiritual experience was some years ago. I had cut my knee wide open, to the kneecap. I was at the beach when it happened, so I developed a very serious infection. They were worried it would spread into my bloodstream. There was even talk of possible amputation. I was so afraid, and thought I didn't even deserve help from God. I had not been making many Christian choices in my life. I prayed the prayer of The Sacred Heart of Jesus, over and over and over again. After days of doing this, I felt my entire body fill up with light. I'm sure that sounds crazy to any haters reading this, but it's the only way I know how to describe it. When I went back to the doctor, to get my knee looked at again, he said the infection was almost completely healed. Of course the doctor had no explanation for this...... but I did.

Does anyone remember this Nickelodeon show?

think it may be called goosebumps i remember the green font but not the storylines of the show used to read the books years ago?

How do you feel about Post-Apocolyptic stories?

I have this idea kind of brewing about a Post-Apocolyptic world, but I feel like it seems a bit unoriginal. Since zombies and raptures and apocolypses are kind of popular now, what do you think?

Where are abandoned haunted places in Ocala, fl?

I wanna know where to do a little ghost hunting around here...Im not having much luck with sources...

Do you think the Rays are going to end up moving out of Florida?

I believe so. Those attendance numbers are inexcusable with regards to the product they put on the field. They actually had to give away tickets when they were trying to clinch a playoff spot ffs.

Being a surrogate mother to wild animals?

vet would need to make a good environment and have a husband as dedicated as you are to animals.

What adult beverage was brewed from the still located in the SWAMP?

It's called ' white lightening / moonshine. It was called moonshine because it was illegal to make and they made it at night.

Can I crate new kitten at night?

I think it is okay as a kitten. When I have a kitten at my house I start out by keeping them in my bathroom at night so I can sleep. but I think as the cat gets older to not to just cause cats tend to not like to be closed up in small places.

Estimated trumpet repair cost?

It will vary a bit depending on where you take it, but damage like that will probably cost a couple hundred dollars.

How do I effortlessly brew 2-5 gallons of coffee.?

Your best bet is either to get one of those giant coffee makers (think catering company size) and brew up a batch, then refrigerate it in a glass dispenser.

Whats the best way for former neo nazis to show that they have abandoned nazism?

I was once enterested in nazism but I have changed my mind on it. I would like to know how best to show Im no longer that person anymore. I was never in a party or participated in Neo nazi stuff. I just agreed it for a time and now have left those ideas.

Musicians! do you feel like you write music for a reason?

Write it for a reason? The fun of it, I remember the first semi-large piece I wrote, and when I was finally able to hear it all come together that was such an amazing feeling. But no, I write music mainly out of boredom and fun. I just need to be in the mood to do it.

Is it okay to have an argument with a person suffering from untreated depression?

it isnt ok to argue ask him if he wants to know how you feel. talk do not get loud relax and ask him if he understands.

How to beat elite four in pokemon diamond?!?

See if you can find a strong bug/ghost/dark move and teach it to Chimeco. Rapidash might be helpful too.

I found 2 baby blue bird eggs and want to save them...I need help!?

So I was walking outside and found 3 baby blue bird eggs, 2 of them were fine and another one was cracked. I currently have the two that were okay under a heat lamp to keep warm! I want to try to save them but I need advice! Is it true that when you turn the egg the baby drowns inside it? I tried not to turn the egg when picking it up, but I'm not sure if it survived when it fell from the tree or whatever happened to it. And I know that the mother probably abandoned the eggs considering they were spread out over the ground unprotected and without a nest. Do I have a chance of saving the baby birds eggs or no? And did they already die inside the egg when it was turned or fell from the tree or something? Also, I need advice on how to take care of the egg and when it might possibly hatch.

ESET internal scanning not performed?

I just made a full scan and in some files it says mime is ok - internal scanning not performed. That means that it cannot scan that file? what if is a virus??

If a ''Mime'' gets arrested..............?

Is it necessary for the officer to tell him that he has the right to ''remain silent'''''''????????????????

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Theres a woman I really like but....I cant seem to be able to get my feelings out to her.?

You see ive known this woman for around 8 months almost, and I havent been able to get my feelings out to her. I mean I really like her, my heart feels strongly for her, but every time I talk to her I never can get my feelings out. I always play mime or just plain dont tell her what im really feeling. The feelings for her are really strong, it both scares me and excites me at the same time. I feel like im being torn in two different directions. Ive been hurt in so many relationships, im just afraid to take the next step and get my feelings out to her. Is love really worth all this, I mean is going through all these feelings and emotions really worth it for someone you really care about?

What are some good Christian songs that tell a Biblical story or Biblical principle?

I need a reaaally good song for our school's Student Convention. I'm doing it for a mime solo and if you know a site where I can download the instrumental version of it, pleaase :)

Disaster waiting to happen, any advice on how to contain the brewing storm?

I grew up in a really awful situation. My mother was extremely abusive and tormented me growing up. Things got so bad my mind couldn't take it, blacked out after witnessing a friend get hit by a semi, and I can only recall things that had either the strongest emotional effect on me or trivial things like what my teacher's name was in first grade. I could remember faces of people, know my relation to them, but I couldn't remember anything I had done with them or what they were like. Because they expected me to, I began to act a certain way and sorta became someone who wasn't really me when around a whole lot of people. At the end of May last year, I went to the police station and was laughed at, but a DHS lady was kind enough to help me out. I was seriously messed up in the head and wasn't exactly what people would refer to as 'sane'. I started school, met a really good friend of mine who helped me find myself although he didn't really mean to. We get along great, and have for the entire time we've known each other. He's almost everything I look for in a guy. I've only had three relationships, one with a perv who slept with my mother in 8th grade, one in 9th who wanted to be with me because I reminded him of a little girl because of how short I am, and at the end of 9th grade who turned out to be a stalker. I've only ever held hands with a guy, that's as far as I let any of those relationships go. Period. Now, I'm with someone who's become my best friend. He's shown me all kinds of things, taught me more about my Native American heritage, helped me get in touch with my tribal side, taught me myths and stories of old from all over the world, and he helped me find my sanity. He asked me out a little over a week ago, and I'm proud to say he's my boyfriend. Unfortunately, he's staying with his mother in another state for most of the summer. I completely understand, and I don't mind to much. Although I'm a year older than him and I am his first official girlfriend, our families both don't seem to mind. I currently live with my dad and step mom, by the way. I've spent some time with his family, and I really enjoy it so we're fine with that situation. My problem seems to be me. Although he seems to see all this wonderful stuff about me, as I see in him, I still have this innate ringing in the back of my mind that this won't turn out well. Something bad has to happen. I know that there is a very slim chance that we won't last forever like most insane couples seem to believe in High School, but something in my gut says we might. He matches me better than anyone I've ever met. Yet, because of my upbringing and how I grew up in such chaos, my mind seems to think that this will all be for nothing. I can't bring my mind to stop the pessimism and it's driving me insane. He knows about my past, we've discussed it many times, and I've told him my worries and fears. He knows I'm not normal and that my head is still partially warped, and he doesn't mind. He says it makes me who I am, and asked me to simply lean on him. I really want to, but I've fallen in love only once and the situation ended rather badly due to he was more of a child mentally and pretended to be someone he wasn't to get my attention. My feelings were genuine, not a child's crush. I was hurt, and now I'm afraid to love again. Yet, he knows everything, and we've talked about so many things through text since he's as shy as I am and doesn't want anyone overhearing our conversations. We talk everyday, and he knows that all I can see is this ending badly. He understands and always makes me feel better, but when he falls asleep, my mind falls back into the pattern. I don't see myself as good enough for him, but he does. He says sweet things, and asks that I trust him, which I do. I just don't know if I trust myself not to ruin this relationship. Any advice on what in the world I can do to keep myself together? If anything, I want to keep him if I can. There's just something about us, and coming from someone who's extremely analytical about people who best fit with each other and has played match maker a dozen times over for friends and got it right for quite a few years and is only messed up because the other got distracted and regretted it, things just fit. I was born on a full moon, he on a new moon. We have similar personalities and tastes, yet we have enough differences to maintain interesting conversations to the point we never bore each other at all. I can see, so long as neither of us messes with it by doing something we'll later regret, us being together for a long time. And I did step out of my own shoes and pretend to be a third party viewer. I'm only typing this after learning that for the past year we've both had a similar mindset about one another. I simply want to

I need to get away - Would it be selfish to disappear for a month or 2 and leave my daughter with her dad?

I could NEVERRRRR leave my kids. There feelings are more important to me than my own. Im sad for you both.

How to FIGHT back against this scene of Homo-Phobia?

I'd ask everyone what the hell is with all the spandex? Then I would tell them to leave him alone. He may not even be gay. He may be more into pink.

My niece is 13 and she is really unpopular at school. What should I do?

I guess tell her to straighten up, and tell her that half the problem of her being Bullied is most of her fault.

Peppermint tea facial mist?

If I just brew some peppermint tea and cool it then put it in a spray bottle to use as a facial mist do I need to keep it refrigerated? How long should it last?

Say this again and again really fast?

First one sick. Everyone knows that it was made to trick parents. Second one I got no clue what it means. Please tell?

I like the youth intern and want to be friends but....?

Hi(: Im Sophia and I am 13 years old. I go to church and this summer they have a youth intern. I have a crush on him, but he is 21. I know I don't have a chance with him, but I would love to become his friend. Here's what has happened the past two weeks: At church, one of the main people introduced him to all of the youth, I thought nothing of him. Just said, oh okay, he's going to help out. So that Sunday night, he was at mime practice. He told us his amazing testimony and I was in awe. Then, while we were doing a mime called "King of Hearts" and it was time for "Jesus" to do his part. He said "Lets go, (then Jesus in Spanish)" I laughed so hard that I forgot to do my part. He smiled. So I went a week without seeing him. Then, next Sunday at church he sat on the opposite side and I kept on looking at him and he knew. He looked at me and mouthed, "Focus, we can talk after church." and I smiled. So after church we had a VBS volunteer meeting. I sat in the front row with my friends and then he came to speak. I just looked at him and smiled, and he did the same. Mime started earlier than usual so I just asked my mom if I could stay until mime ended. She said yes. So, I helped my bible study leader move tables and stuff so we could practice. There were about three other people there, too. And he changed out of his church clothes and came back. Me and the other four people went ahead and started practicing. He helped me with some simple stuff. Then, when mime practice started, we did a mime that I didn't know so I just sat on the floor with my hands behind me. He pretended to step on my fingers. I smiled. He was helping some people step by step and my bible study leader told me to go and watch, so I did. He wanted me to hi five him, but I didn't see him put his hand out, so I didn't know. And that's about all I "talked" to him I guess. Then, VBS started this week. Monday I didn't talk to him but, I added him on facebook and he added me back, Tuesday I still didn't talk to him, Wednesday I high-fives him, Today I tried to high-five him but he pulled his hand back, I just smiled. We were playing four corners with the little kids and I was on the ground and my friend that is like as tiny as a stick was trying to help me off the ground couldn't, so he was right beside me so I said "Here, let ***** try." He pulled me of the ground and smiled. We played four corners and me and my skinny friend were bragging about how we lost and he was just laughing at us. There was a carnival at church that night and I went up to him and gave him a high five when I first got there and he asked how I was doing and I said good then went with my friends. Then, before I was about to leave, he was talking to some people and I was just waiting there because I wanted to say goodbye. He noticed me and I gave him a hi five and asked him "Wheres your bullhorn?" (because he always has a bullhorn) and he laughed and said in a awkward voice "Not here right now." I think that was a mistake. Then, when I got home, I tagged him in a facebook status saying: "Had fun at church carnival tonight(: Hung out with friends, high fived (his name) (our awesome youth intern who loves bullhorns(; haha) and just had fun(:" He didn't comment or even liked it so I think that was a mistake, too. On Friday I kind of avoided him. He is at camp right now with the rest of the youth, so i wolnt see him for like two weeks. I want to really get to know him but I don't know how. I think I'll just make more mistakes!? I really need help on how to talk to him. Should I chat with him on facebook, take the "how are you doing" to an actual conversation, or what!? So, what should I do?? Thank you so much!!!

Do you find mimes or clowns creepy?


I can receive my friend's emails, but she can't receive mine?

Usually, the "reason: 554 mail server permanently rejected message" email is received because the mail server thought your email is spam. Did you send an attachment - BINGO, that's your problem

My brother's friend is mentally handicapped in some way and can't speak, is this autism or something else?

I think he has a speech dis order. I knw some1 that has the exact thing but he can sing clearly. :) a lot of people suffer from that, it can be cured by visiting a speech therapist.

Actors who used to be bad actors?

I have always heard that Marylin Monroe was terribly shy and a very poor actress when she began in the business. She worked very hard with acting coaches to play each part. I am not an actress, but I was very shy when I began to waitress out of high school. You quickly learn that the way to make the Good money is by being friendly and outgoing. Try to not take everything you do and say so seriously, and allow yourself to really become the character....imagine that you are really that person. And so what if you make mistakes or are offered criticisms--that is the reason for taking classes. After a period of forcing yourself to just do it, you will find that it begins to come naturally. A tip from a Bandmember I once dated (who was pretty shy, yet sang on stage nightly): its all about the confidence. If you sing awkwardly and self-conscious, it will sound bad, but if you just imagine that you're good and belt it out, you will sound great. Good luck, and stick with the lessons. Will make a difference in your life and attitude.

Name ideas for a small Lake?

I am writing a book about kids who runaway to an abandon amusement park. I need a good name for a small lake they live nearby. Any ideas?

In the movie Hanna what was that song when she was in the abandoned amusement park...?

When she met her father's associate in the abandoned amusement park, what song was that when he started dancing to it?

Why do some people mime or mouth the words in some commercials?

call me crazy, but now and again theres a commercial where the actors appear to be talking, but its not their voice, you can obviously tell because its not in sync with the actors mouth, whats the deal?

How much would a beer and wine license cost for selling home brew in washington state?

Looking to enter the competitive world of craft beers then. Well be prepared your a lot of paperwork in licensing and oversight by the ATF and other regulatory agencies. You should be able to land a retail license and another to brew for only a few hundred dollars. From that point the business of brewing, packaging, and distribution of your beer gets very expensive.

Does anyone know of any good abandoned buildings in and around Philadelphia that I can shoot models in?

I'm Looking for a good abandoned building that I can shoot female models that is relatively safe. You know relatively safe from loonies and cops, A tall order I know but if anyone has any info let me know. Thanks guys

Why are there so many negative people in the Adoption section?

I've noticed that too. I don't really understand it. I've known several people who were adopted (some are family members and some are not). I know one at least had bad feelings about it, but his adopted parents were both alcoholics who didn't show any interest in their kids. The majority of people I know who were adopted are in loving families and they are very close to their parents. It does seem tome that a lot of adoptees with bad experience are in the adoption section.

What does it mean when you have disturbing dreams, but it's normal?

I really wouldn't pay much attention to your dreams. If you're not scared then its fine; I don't think you're depressed or anything you shouldn't take medication for dreaming. I've had some wild dreams myself as long as you don't go on a murdering rampage then you're fine. dreams are dreams.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae infection?

Hi all, i was syphoning my half brewed wine yesterday and a bit got into my mouth and the back of my throat, today i have a sore throat... infection? If so is it likely to pass on its own?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I have a crush the summer intern at my church?

Hi(: Im Sophia and I am 13 years old. I go to church and this summer they have a youth intern. I have a crush on him, but he is 21. I know I don't have a chance with him, but I would love to become his friend. Here's what has happened the past two weeks: At church, one of the main people introduced him to all of the youth, I thought nothing of him. Just said, oh okay, he's going to help out. So that Sunday night, he was at mime practice. He told us his amazing testimony and I was in awe. Then, while we were doing a mime called "King of Hearts" and it was time for "Jesus" to do his part. He said "Lets go, (then Jesus in Spanish)" I laughed so hard that I forgot to do my part. He smiled. So I went a week without seeing him. Then, next Sunday at church he sat on the opposite side and I kept on looking at him and he knew. He looked at me and mouthed, "Focus, we can talk after church." and I smiled. So after church we had a VBS volunteer meeting. I sat in the front row with my friends and then he came to speak. I just looked at him and smiled, and he did the same. Mime started earlier than usual so I just asked my mom if I could stay until mime ended. She said yes. So, I helped my bible study leader move tables and stuff so we could practice. There were about three other people there, too. And he changed out of his church clothes and came back. Me and the other four people went ahead and started practicing. He helped me with some simple stuff. Then, when mime practice started, we did a mime that I didn't know so I just sat on the floor with my hands behind me. He pretended to step on my fingers. I smiled. He was helping some people step by step and my bible study leader told me to go and watch, so I did. He wanted me to hi five him, but I didn't see him put his hand out, so I didn't know. And that's about all I "talked" to him I guess. Then, VBS started this week. Monday I didn't talk to him but, I added him on facebook and he added me back, Tuesday I still didn't talk to him, Wednesday I high-fives him, Today I tried to high-five him but he pulled his hand back, I just smiled. We were playing four corners with the little kids and I was on the ground and my friend that is like as tiny as a stick was trying to help me off the ground couldn't, so he was right beside me so I said "Here, let ***** try." He pulled me of the ground and smiled. We played four corners and me and my skinny friend were bragging about how we lost and he was just laughing at us. There is a carnival there tonight and I think he is going to be there. My friend is going to, too. I want to really get to know him but I don't know how. So, what should I do?? Thank you so much!!!

Can you prove in court that someone committed slander on you through Facebook emails or status messages?

A man is harassing me by putting on his Facebook status all kinds of things about me being a wh*** and abandoning my son when really he tore him out of my arms and kicked me out. Can I get him for slander or at least harassment?

Which has more caffeine? Iced Latte or Vietnamese Iced Coffee?

Iced lattes have espresso shots in them while Vietnamese iced coffee has concentrated dark coffee. I know there's that thing about brewed coffee actually has more caffeine than an espresso shot, so would that mean concentrated brewed coffee is even stronger?

I'm in a low place, and I don't know what to do.?

I think I'm depressed...and I don't mean it in an omg I'm so depressed way. I can't stop crying when I think about how alone I feel. My friends are all moving on, getting married, making new friends. And I'm accomplishing nothing. I feel like I'm invisible and alone. Even when people come over, I feel alone. I'm 21 (tomorrow's my birthday, so really I'm practically 22), I live alone, my best friend has made a new best friend. My dad wants nothing to do with me (he's got a new girlfriend who is 19, and apparently it's not cool for him to have a 22 year old daughter) my mom and sisters live about 25 minutes away from me, but when I see them, they don't see me...they just want to talk about their problems and I let them...they have no idea I'm feeling this way, and I'm pretty sure they would blow it off if I said anything. I have no money to go to a counselor, but I need some sort of help or I am going to do something I know I'll regret. I can't help but feel like my friends are abandoning me because I'm not as fun as I used to be because I'm in a slump all the time. Please help me and give me some advice... :( I don't know how much longer i can go on like this.

If a mime falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear, will it make a sound?

NO, mime means that person cannot speak at all when they fall and hit the ground that may make a sound like when you drop something but nothing out of their mouth.

Your trust someone to take over the finaces when on chemo and they dont is there legal protection?

they dont pay anything and then abandon the family is there legal ramafications to abandoning a mother and child when she is sick .. isnt it illegal to leave a disabled person or child homeless in this knowledge after making the commitment legally and financially?

What do you think of my story part 1? (I'm 13)?

That was really good!!!!!! Although you want to watch your spelling. I will totally read part 2. E-mail me at for part 2! I can't wait.

What can you do with a home brewed wii?

I have been looking into the homebrewing process with wii and it looks really cool to be able to install/play other games from older nintendo consoles and whatnot but is that all you can do, play roms? What else is the homebrew capable of besides emulators/roms?

What should I be for Halloween?

Ithink you should go as a porcelain doll. This will definitely be sexier:).....and classy! A elegant dress, painted white face, definitely white tights (my favorite!!) And nice heels! You would turn my head!! And besides, if you were a mime you couldn't talk to the guys trying to pick you up!! Being a doll, you will be the hit!! Good idea:)

Looking for great wheat beers?

I'm looking for quality witbiers/Hefeweizens/Belgian white, etc. like Blue Moon, Hoegaarden, Sam Adams Summer Ale, etc. Beers brewed with citrus.

What is the name of the asian women on britains got talent who got buzzed in the semi final?

she was miming and she changed her clothes, i think it was meant to be a quick change act but she took ages

What do you think are the most stupidly designed pokemon?

The trash pokemon are dumb looking. I also think jinx is the ugliest pokemon. Koffing looks bad to plus it's annoying in the games

Is it okay to mix...?

It's nice to hear of a good rescue. He,s trying to wean himself. I wouldn't let him have dry food yet. His teeth haven't developed enough for for it. You can soak some in the replacer. Also about replacer- it has a limited shelf life and has to be refridgerated. I've done some rescue pup before and they have a tend to go to the food more-so than the milk. My best guess is the milk is like instant milk is to us. I think you're doing a good job and good luck.

What is the first person horror movie based in an abandoned maental ward?

I watched the trailer a while ago and can not remember the title. It was apparently an old ghost hunter type tv show that disappeared in this psychiatric ward.

Does "Popping" actually belong to Hip-Hop?

I mean.. popping is a funk dance (and has a different origin), but I usually can see b-boys using some popping moves when performing toprock. For example: botting, miming.

What to do about a clingy friend/ Am I over-reacting?

Maybe it's time to not be friends with her anymore. Don't give her anymore advice if she won't take it, it's a waste of your time. Just tell her you are not concerned about her problems when you have more things on your mind, like your medical problems. I don't think she is a good friend and I think you should cut her loose.

Could you critique my essay? PLEASE?

Your sentence structure, tenses, and wording are a bit choppy. Take for example your sentence, "Through Jack's transformation from being a teenage scoundrel to a well-disciplined, he strives for a better life and yearns for higher education so he could get out of the hell hole he is in." The sentence is a bit long, and your grammar is slightly off. It would flow more smoothly if instead it read, "During the book, Jack transitions from being a teenage scoundrel to a well-disciplined young man. However, he is constantly striving for a better life and yearning for higher education so he can escape his unpleasant life." The use of 'hell-hole' brings down the novel and makes it less formal. The essay is too long to go through everything here, but I would work on coherency and sentence structure primarily. Perhaps get a friend to look at it and mark it, and then make sure to implement the changes they suggest. Good luck

Is drinking tons of tea bad?

Tea is SO GOOD for you! Especially green tea. With everything, there are pros and cons. Even if you drank too much water, it could be bad. Take things for what they are, and do nothing in excess--your 4 mugs of tea doesn't seem too bad. If it was like, 50 mugs of tea that would be different.

Sneaking my girlfriend in?

I want to sneak my gf in today. She's already in my house so all we have to do is mime her leaving and then she can stay in my room. However my door doesn't lock and there at least 3 more hours b4 every1 will be asleep... my house is big (as in 3 floors) so where should i hide her, and is this a good idea? Like she is reading this as i type so answer promptly lawlz thx :)

What's Your Story Like?

I've heard some serious horror stories from the LGBT community about being abandoned, attacked, hated etc. I have a great deal of respect for anyone that would stay true to themselves even at risk to their own safety. I'm wondering, what's your story? What was life like for you as a teenager? adult?

How do I find help on obtaining grant money to renovate an abandoned building and start a business?

I am looking to renovate an abandoned building that has not been used for over 10 years. The building is about 35 years old and in fairly good condition. I want to start a business with 4 or 5 different "businesses" inside of it. I am looking for help finding federal funding options to help minimize start up costs associated with renovation of the interior and parking lot. Also looking locally for help from our Chamber of Commerce. Hopefully I can find a few leads to help minimize the amount of time I spend searching as I am extremely busy with all other aspects of making this dream a reality. The business will not be non-profit but will be aimed at serving the community by offering a variety of activities and entertainment for residents at a low cost without having to travel out of town. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.

How to Make Iced Coffee?

Does anyone know how to make iced coffee? I assume it isn't just chilled regular coffee; I've tried this and it tastes terrible. Is it somehow brewed differently or maybe made with espresso or something?

Help with writing a monologue for the character of a mime?

My character is a mime, and I need to write a monologue about her but I NEED to speak in the monologue. I have no idea what I should do! I would also like it to be humorous. Any ideas? Thanks!

Should I leave church if I'm hurt?10 points.?

If the people at this church are making you uncomfortable, then maybe you should look into attending another church. Maybe there is a friend or a family member you know who goes to another church. You could ask them if you could attend their church with them and see how you like that. Church is about God and walking with God and understanding His mighty power and Love. If you feel like you can bear through it at your church now, then try to only focus of God and his mighty grace. Try to only focus on what the preacher is saying, not everybody else. Though, if you feel like you cannot worship God in your situation, then it might be better to find someone else to go to another church with. The most important thing is praise God through everything. Even in the tough times when you don't think anyone cares at all, He does. He loves you more than you can ever ever imagine. God will always be with you through the fight while those people are teasing you and making fun. God never thinks the negitivie things they are saying about you are true. God made you and when He did, He breathed his own breath into you because He loved you that much, so He will never ever think that you are anything less than beautiful. If you have any questions or wanna talk, I'll be glad. Just e-mail me (:


I don't think you guys should have sex. Really dangerous you should wait until marriage but you still might not be able to trust him!! You should have a first date ad normally not like a sexual one. But you still can't trust hiim. I'm not paranoid but I'm just saying. So, I think you should have someone watch over you while datiing him and someone should "check him out" and see where he lives, what he does, where he goes and etc

What are some good beer's that come in singles as well as cases or packs?

im looking for some decent yet tasteful beer i can buy in a single glass bottle or a single can the purpose of me buying a single bottle or can is so that i can try it to see if i like it and yes im over 21 but i live with my mom and shes not a beer drinker shes more of a wine drinker there for i dont want to buy a 6 pack or 12 pack of a type of beer unless i know ill like it and drink it because my mom wont drink it at all so what are some good beer's that come in a can i was thinking of trying maybe red dog or heineken i like both lagers and ales but so far the only beer i enjoy is coors lite so please list some decent brews i can buy in a single can or bottle as well as in a case be it a 6 or 12 pack thanks

Im going on a green tea diet helPPPpp?

im get the lipton tea brew kind and the bottles unless i see a different kind i want when i go to the store and whats the best kind...and wha type of foods can i get while on this diet ...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Will mime face paint glow under blacklight?

No, but you can add a layer of Neon White face paint over it to make it glow in black light. It's called white, but it actually goes on clear or invisible in day light and only glows under black light. Just an idea... I haven't tried it, so I'm not sure how it would turn out. You can order it at

How to store tea after the first brewing?

A good loose leaf tea can be brewed several times, the white silver needles I have is good for seven brewing per batch, the huang shan mao is good for five and the dragon well is good for six. I have heard that the tea will last well for up to twenty four hours between brewing. I have a cast iron tea pot, and it is a terrible idea to store anything moist or wet therein. To store the tea leaves in open air seems that it may pose a risk of damaging them, and to store with the rest of the leaves would merely get them wet. I currently store said leaves in open air, but I fear this may be tampering with the quality. And so, how doses on go about storing tea leaves after their first brewing? Where are they stored? Will a airtight container merely lock in the moisture? And how were brewed leaves stored traditionally in the tea culture of china and japan? Please be specific, and focus's on traditional methods.

How to get random events more frequently in runescape?

yes i play runescape i was wondering how to get random events faster! i have 7 accounts and all above level 70 and none have got a random i really want a mime mask, frog mask, and the zombie mask! thanks for your help

Does my girlfriend really love?

ive been with her for 3 month and we have said we love each other loads of times but lately for about 3 days know she still says i love you but she also mimes it, she only moves her mouth to say i love you, so does she still love me? she will say anything on text like she told me how much she loved me.

Today we have facebook, now you can't tell your husband or wife or girlfriend or boyfriend to?

delete it.. but what happens when they are on there talking to all their Friends they have.. girls and guys and probably flirting commenting on how good they look on pictures etc.. that can brew something up.. what do you do?

How does the mime for pretend work in this interpretive dance? just looks like he's peeling his face off.?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

5 week old Kitten question?

A family friend took a kitten away from it's mother WAY too early, at 5 weeks old, because he was impatient and thought he could take care of it now. He is however, not taking care her at all, and I am afraid for the kittens life. I have another friend who's cat has kittens who are also 5 weeks old, and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to introduce this kitten with these kittens. Will the mom possibly take care of her? Or will she abandon all of her kittens? I just want some opinions. I do plan on getting kitten milk for her and teaching them how to stimulate the poop, but she needs a mom.

Should i be concerned ?

My boyfriend whom i've been with for a year and a half recently started texting this girl from his drama class. Turns out they text from the time they wake up till the time they go to sleep. He has never had a friend thats a girl in the time we have been together so yes it is different for me. When i say something to him about how i feel about their friendship, he runs and tells her. She and him both say they are just friends and in no way have anything brewing. I still feel like there is something going on, because why else would they be texting all day everyday. He even would text her when he is with me, and if he doesn't answer and she questions why he tells her I was distracting him. He has made the choice to stop talking to her all together. I don't know how i should feel or what i should do. Someone please give me some advise !

Theoretically speaking how much faster would science progress if we abandoned all morals and ethics ?

How much faster would science progress if we put all of our resources into scientific research and abolished all human rights to allow for better testing ?

What's up with my dog?

He acts really weird when I go near him he barks and licks. When a friend of mime comes he dosnt stop barking & he is fully trained

What should I do about my stressed guinea pig?

I rescued two abandoned female guinea pigs. One guinea pig is doing fine, but the other bigger one seems very stressed. She wouldn't eat and would not come out of her house. I gave her to another lady who lives by me and has a lot of animals, my guinea pig is still doing fine, but after reading a lot of info online I am wondering if I should get another friend for my pig, or if I should go get the other guinea pig back, in case the separation is stressing her out more. My friend said the other guinea pig still won't eat and still won't come out of the house and this has been going on for over a week. HELP!!!

Could I make a good mime-clown? ?

Put on some flour makeup and see what you look like. The feeling you get may boost your confidence in your mime self!

Does anyone know anything about the abandoned Glenn Dale Hospital in PG County MD?

Me and some friends are going to go ghost hunting at the abandoned Glenn Dale hospital in MD this month, but we do not know much about the hospital itself. A couple of resources say that it is guarded by people and you could get fined or arrested for this true and if so is it true for the entire area? Also I would like to know if there is a way around the guards if guards are present. If anyone has a map of the layout of the place or could maybe make one or find one to share it would help out a lot because we are planning on exploring the place at the witching hour. As well, if anyone knows any possible dangers or hazards that I should know about before entering the structure I would be very happy to know. Thank you.

What do you think is wrong with me ?

Focus on being yourself, and if you do not know who you are yet then take time and do things that can help you discover that like new experiences, do not follow with what people would want you to say act or feel because at the end of the day it's you that matters. Just remember to be yourself, and do not get upset if someone does not reply to you, they may be busy or just may not want to reply but don't take things to personally.

How much is it to vet a free kitten?

I want to thank you for posting this. I have always been curious about the cost difference between adopting and finding a free kitty. My husband and I had long discussions before deciding where to go to get a cat. I always thought the $100 adoption fee seemed crazy, but it didn't matter when I found my Emmy and Katie cat. I would have paid more for them. I had no idea of what the vet costs would be.

Are there any creepy/ abandoned places in northern New Jersey?

I would like to take pictures/ videos of places like these (If that makes me sound like a weird guy, it's probably because I am). I can't really think of any places other than the Jungle Habitat. If someone knows any still standing asylums, that would really help too!

Little or no fermentation?

I just did my first home brew this past friday. I put the wort in the 6 gallon primary fermenter and added the yeast. I had fermentation for probably 2 days and then it stopped. Is that a problem? Is there something I missed or need to do?

What is Muslims' fault if Brits are abandoning Churches?

and Muslims are buying and converting them to Mosques? They do pay money for the property but some Christians say that Muslims are taking over UK like this.

Monday, July 18, 2011

My brother's friend is mentally handicapped in some way and can't speak, is this autism or something else?

It's a mild form if autism. My boyfriends younger brother has the same thing, he's completely normal but his speech is impaired.

Vampires take steaks, werewolves a silver bullet, but how do you kill a mime?

Pretend to shoot with your hand in the shape of a gun,but it might not work because the mime might just make a pretend force-field to protect itself.

Tea good replacement for soda?

I need to kick this Huge soda problem i drink 2 double gulps...will tea sweetened with spenda help me kick this my family are tea drinkers.but we drink water from fossit witch is nasty so when i brew tea will it take some of the harmful nasty stuff out of my water? kuzz i dont wanna go to 7/11 everytime just get buy 25c gallon of water

Someone is sending spam to people in my yahoo address book from my yahoo mail.?

Your account got compromised. First change your password. Account help.a href="…"…/a for just about anything to do with your account. Then run anti Virus and Anti Spyware. Should be fine then.

Where can you get a degree in Brewing?

Looking for a Uni, preferably in the UK. Also, needs to be undergraduate entry, most of the ones I have seen have been post-grad :(

Is this story good...Title suggestions?

It is good, very powerful. I would title it something like "Pain Comes and Goes" or "Death Comes When We Least Expect It."

Making An Espresso - Is There Something I'm Not Understanding?

Your packing down the espresso too much, you just loosely tap it in, (not like packed brown sugar...a little less than that) you want it slightly packed but no as to allow no water to drip down (which is what is happening). Also make sure you are using espresso and not regular coffee in the packer.

Girl Scout Silver Award Ideas?

My partner and I are trying to do something to help abused/abandoned animals. We need a project idea. I don't think any sort of drive would work, because our project MUST have a long-term effect (very important). So I really am stuck...any ideas on a project with a long term effect?

Which of these beers are decent american brews for me to try?

Those are all imports except for Red Dog. Foster's is Australian. Heinekin is Dutch, Beck's is German.

How do professionals get freebie referrals?

They ask friends, family members, post on facebook, post in coupon groups, post on coupon facebook pages, post in coupon yahoo groups and post on craigslist. I am not saying it is a scam but you might be have trouble getting referrals because others think it is a scam. I hope this helps.

How to delete psp files without a usb coard?

I was using HBL (half brew light) and I decied to get rid of the files to make room for littleBigPlanet because I just got my psn account to work but the old emulator files and roms are taking up over 900mb of space so I cant. I want to find a way t delete files without using the usb hook up if you could help thanks plz ignore the spelling problems............

Which one is right(English questions)?

1. A(n) ___ vehicle is one which has been left unwanted and discarded by its owner or by others. A, deserted B, quit C, abandoned D,left 2. People always ___ homeless people don't have jobs which is not necessarily ture. A,presume B,assume C,suppose D,guess

How to eter Black ops WII multiplayer codes, without homebrew?

No you need the homebrew.No you need a sd card and gecko os and code mrg to insert codes.Yes it dose require the homebrew.You need to hack your wii if you want to hack BO.

Question about discrimination?

My son has attended a local college for the past three years taking a mime course. The course goes for 5 weeks and is open for kids 5 to 18, my son has aspergers, this year the staff informed me that if my son is attending he will 'need an adult supervisor the whole 5 weeks. Can they do this and refuse my son if I can not find a person to be with him. They have not required this in the past

What's a polite way to ask what is wrong with someone?

Ask your brother what condition the guy has. There really isn't a polite way to ask, you might try getting to know him and it may come up. Just have patience with him and correct him politely when he says something inappropriate or loudly and then for the most part, just really treat him like you would treat others.

What would u do in this situation?

today i saw a mime walkking around. and he was annoying me with his little games. so i made my hand into a pretend gun and pretended to shoot him. next thing i know his head explode and there's blood everywhere. people start screaming and saying that they're gonna call the cops. so i picked up his body and put it in my trunk and now im driving and there's helicopters over head and i can hear cop sirens what do i do D:

I made home brew lager from bottled water. Can I use the plastic bottles to bottle up? or potential bomb?

Potential bomb I am afraid, we're not talking weapons of mass destruction here but possibly enough to splatter beer all over the cupboard, angry parent\partner potential is very high. Use proper beer bottles or invest in a barrel. I think if the bottles are from carbonated drinks such as fizzy water you may get away with it but it still has a risk (a friend of mine used them and occasionally he had a splatter fest)

What would you rate my essay, A, B,C etc.?

I would give it a B.I wrote my essays just like you and I always got a B. But the reason was that I didn't have enough parenthetical references.I think you could use some more of that and you could add a little bit more analysis to your individual paragraphs

Oh in so much trouble please help me D:?

i was walking and this mime was harassing me. doing all these little annoying shows. pretending to be in a box and what not. and he just wouldn't leave. so i made my hand into a pretend gun, and pretended to shoot him and his head EXPLODED. blood was everywhere and some lady started screaming and a guy said he was calling the cops. so i put the body into my trunk and now im driving, and the cops are right behind me what do i do D:!

Im 21 why am i afraid to try beer?

i wanna try beer not to get drunk just to enjoy a brew once in a while but for some reason when ever i tell my self im gonna have a beer when i get home that never happens and the beer just sits in the fridge what can i do to get my self to like beer and to want to try beer this will be my first time ever trying beer thanks

Have you ever acted like a mime?

Yes yes i have i like to do it on a busy sidewalk where people can give me money for my Mime Talents

What is the name of the big blue kids book with a bedtime story for every night?

My mom read it to me every night when i was a kid but it was destroyed in a fire and i want to find a copy for my daughter. Its at least 20 years old and had an ongoing story about a runaway pancake people were trying to eat and another one about a cupboard in an abandoned house. There was a different short story for everyday of the year.

Is there a good online store for Dit Da Jow?

I am constantly warned against this, however, with the amount of time I train I have little time to be shopping for rare and unusual herbs, what is more, I am financially limited. I am told that people often sell week herbs, in plastic bottles that damage the mixture, having not properly aged and having sifted out all the useful herbs prior to use. Has anynyone sampled the jow from, that is not to say there pree brewed but there herb packs. How about the infamous scar family jow's? I am not opposed to buying herb packs, I just do not have time to single out individual herbs and order them all separately. If there is any decent online store you can recommend, please do, I do not want to discontinue my training on account of time or money. Also, do not advise me to get jow from my sense.

Making a honey cake for a project- does it sound good? (recipe included)?

Honey cake is awesome, so good project. You are right about not using the coffee, it'll just ruin the cake ! Do use half the oil though. The cake will be really chewy and sticky, but it is awesome with tea (not sugared) to give that contrast sweet/bitter.

Do you think my girlfriend will crush me in the future?

I think your girlfriend is playing games as well as being a liar no woman that has ever been raped wants to see or speak to her rapist ever again believe me I think she is playing the field this is the kind of girl you keep for booty calls not the kind you take home to Mom

Sims Medieval - what to do when the market is out of stock?

I need to purchase the "Belladonna" from the village shoppe, and I need 2 but theres only 1 so I cant brew the potion that I need to, I tried picking it from the forest but I cant find it. Where can I get some ((its in a quest so if I dont get it, im screwed)).

How did Charlie Chaplin tell a story with out using words?

I know he�s a mime but thats not the answer i�m looking for. what did he do in his films to tell a story?

Google Groups Broken - nothing updated since June 25, 2011?

Can't find any word from Google, so it's reasonable to assume they don't care about Usenet anymore. Time to get real "newsreader" software and a real Usenet server. People say provides good free Usenet service and I know you can find all sorts of free newsreader software. Myself, I use the inexpensive software and service provided by Forte.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stray Baby kitten help?

A Mother cat gave birth to what i can see 2 kittens, and she abandoned one it looks like, cause she is alway laying around with the other and the abandon cat (that has a messed up its all like swollen) just sits around and wanders all lone some, and its eyes are still shut, =[ =[ what should i do?

Why are they fighting in N Ireland again?

American here - It seemed like life has become peaceful in Belfast but it looks like trouble is brewing again? Why is this happening? Is this conflict similar to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?

Why not make a pokemon game for adults?

Are you wanting a gears of war color palette too? Just because the protagonist is a teenager doesn't mean the game is exclusively for teenagers. See Legend of Zelda series. And adding in all of that extra stuff (mood, happiness, weather) doesn't always make a game better. See Harvest Moon series by comparing PSX version to Game Cube version.

Can i get an abandoned title on a car with a lein?

I had bought a car a couple years ago from a old couple and they had got it from another guy the couple never got the car switched into their names so when I got it I figured I would get it running b4 I messed ith the title or any thing well I moved 6 hours out of phx and I found out that the guy has a lien against it could I get an abandoned title and if so is it worth it or should I just sell off parts

What are some good beers?

I'm new to beer and was wondering what are the best beers that I can pick up at like a corner liquor store? I'm not talking like super fancy local brews, but the best types of beers that are widely available at liquor stores. I really don't care how much I spend, but I want it to taste good and still get drunk.

My eyes turn different colors?

My eyes turn to many different colors blue,red,green.yellow etc... I asked the doctor and he said hes never heard of it? My mother abandoned me because she said I was deformed. I need to get rid of this disease or whatever it is!

Toddy coffee brew, loads of caffeine?

So all the reading out there about the toddy brewing systems say there is far less caffeine and acid in the coffee. So I got one. Brewed it and had two cups this morning with soymilk and holy shat did I get a gnarly buzz. I know its concentrated so I did half toddy half soy. It was so tasty I decided to have another cause thought it was less caffeine. Harsher buzz than sbux 2 shots of espresso. I can handle caffeine. But the toddy made me buzz like a fridge. In a bad way. So do I need to use less concentrate? I usually drink 4 cups in the morning from drip. I love coffee, and toddy makes the best cup but I want to drink it with out the horrible buzz. Possible?

What are some good tabletop R.P.G.s?

I have a gaming group with my friends and their siblings, with ages ranging from 12-18. It works sometimes but lately we haven't actually got anywhere during gaming sessions. As the GM Ive noticed that everyone wants something different from the game, and no one is really into playing Dungeons and Dragons as much as goofing off. I'm looking for a System that's simple enough to get everyone together, and structured enough to make sure we don't fall apart. I'd be delighted if someone could find a good system, official or home brew, any setting, and any price, that will help keep the group together. Thanks for reading.

What to do? I hate to see this happen?

I have a friend who is actually my ex which i dated just short of 4 years. we started dating young which i know to expect change in a person and was more than flexible to accommodate that change. 2 months ago she broke up with me to figure out what to do for school and about her disease (she was diagnosed with Crohns disease). during those 2 months i kept trying to win her back to date me again, which she seemed like she wanted. a little over 2 weeks ago she told me she loved me and wanted me to buy her stuff. then on the 19th she told me she didnt love me anymore, left me with a broken heart and a lot of debt, and then on the 25th she said she was dating someone else and loved him and she had already slept with him. Over the last 2 months she started smoking and drinking (she just turned 18), which for a long time she had a problem with me drinking and i had just turned 21. Up until then she wouldve never drank or smoked. She only hangs out with her friends from work and people she knows from around work now. She has abandoned her best friends of 14 years, barely talks to them now. She tells me she wants to be friends with me then constantly talks about how she loves him more than anyone ever before, and how she is so happy and how much better he is than me and if i try to talk to her without her starting the convo i am bothering her. I am trying to be the bigger man because despite her being my ex i still love her and she is still my best friend. She and her parents dont have a great relationship, her mother is very controlling, and her dad is there but he usually doesnt do much of anything but i treated her like gold, let her do whatever she wanted (not illegal of course) and the only thing i liked to know is where she was going so that i didnt bother her and if something went wrong i could get her. She has already slept with the guy, which shes only know 2 weeks. she sleeps at his house like twice a week, her mom hates it but she wont listen to her mom. He has a kid, was a former drug addict, has his own apartment, and has a criminal record, but ive met him and he seems like a genuinely nice guy. It is like shes trying to burn down her old life, friends and all for people she barely knows. shes pretty much given up on college too. Is there anyway i can help her see that shes hurting the wrong people and only going to end up working fast food all her life or pregnant or worse if she keeps up this path. I know the person in her that i fell in love with and made good decisions is still in her because just a month ago she was telling me she loves me, and talking about having kids together someday in the future.

I had an odd nightmare?

a couple months ago i had a disturbing nightmare. i was in a fetal position, cold, weak, and hungry. i remember i was crying, trying to hide from something. i was hidden behind a tall metal wall, maybe behind an abandoned warehouse or something. there was thunder and lightening, and a huge storm brewing. it began to rain really hard, but it wasn't normal rain, it was acid rain. i've never experienced acid rain. the acid rain began melting and eating away at everything, including myself. i screamed out at the pain and began trying to run for cover from the rain. whatever i had been hiding from before was after me again, but they didn't seem affected by the acid rain at all. things get blurry after that. my dream ended when i collapsed from exhaustion and closed my eyes. i woke up after that. what could the dream mean?

How do I get control back from a 3 year old?

I am only seventeen but I have a cousin who can act like your daughter sometimes and it is hard to take care of her sometimes. What I do to my cousin is I talk to her in a stern voice and make eye contact. The eye contact is the key it shows authority don't force her to look at you just say her name until she looks at you even if it takes about a hundred times before she does. I am one of the only one my cousin listens to and I never lay a hand on her, yell at her, etc. Don't spank your child because physical abuse like that doesn't help much you just have to have patience. Also when she goes into a tantrum just put her in her room and ignore her until she calms down then talk to her. I hope this helps!

Does anyone know how to make a brutal fruit? the south African alcoholic drink?

I dont get it, they are brewed in the us but only sold in south Africa? wtf America i want my damn brutal fruits lol. does any one know how i can make one or very similar please.

Why don't some dads love their children as much as the mother?

When you grow something inside you, it's pretty hard not to immediately get attached. That said, while plenty of men run off, lots of moms make their chidlren pay for it by metally abusing them. No gender is cruelty free.

With the likelihood of a US Revolution brewing daily, should guns be made even easier to get, for self protect?

ion, of course. I wouldn't feel safe unless every American over 12 has ready access to loaded guns, revolutionaries had no regard for age, sex or political leanings.

How to act like the Big Bad Wolf from little red riding hood?

In drama we hve to act out little red riding hood in mime. I'm the wolf. How should I walk and act to be convincing. Also for the walk I want it to look animal like but I'm going to be on two feet so Im at eye level with little red. Thanks and if you know anything else about wolf habits plz share with me

I am looking for old nescafe commercials.?

I've once seen old nescafe classic commercials on youtube, and can't manage to track them down now, due to the flood of phillipines' and indian editions... I can remember one of them showing a girl brewing the coffee for her friends, they were camping and sleeping in tents and later on enjoying their coffee together in the dawn... Second was a girl enjoying her coffee with her boyfriend (?) leaning on the car, they were on the road... I remember these ads showed some pretty uncommon (for me at least) method of brewing.... I'll be also grateful for the ads of mountain blend.

Rate my Pokemon Platinum Team?

Nice team !!! 9.5/10 !!! but you don't relal yneed Light Screen AND reflect in my opinion but im not sure.. it's up to you , If you feel that you need it ...

What pale ale is better?

okay, found a solution to my shipping problem! just a question, what is better IPA (india pale ale) or just a pale ale? I'm looking at home brewing kits for my husband. He likes the IPA but he has had IPA a lot, so should I just get the plain Pale Ale?

If someone abandons a vehicle in your yard for over 5 years does that vehicle belong to you?

And if you can't get ahold of that vehicles title in order to get it in your name in order to sell yourself what then. also if there ARE unpaid taxes WHO would be responsible for paying it.

HELP!! i found a baby robin on the ground and its abandoned?

i found this baby bird on the ground that cant fly let. its mom abandoned it and it has a broken leg. ive been feeding it crackers mixed with water and a couple worms i found. i dont know what to do. please help!

Is my desire dangerous? I can't stop thinking about sex?

it's probably time to start valuing yourself a little more these days. sex isn't all you are. find someone who really loves you for YOU, and not just empty sex. start thinking differently and contain this overpowering urge to always engage in sex. you're worth far more than that.

Thinking of starting home brew?

Moving into a new house which has a shed! And I'm thinking of starting some home brew (wine, beer or cider?) Which is easiest to do and any tips?

What are some reasons teens drop out of school after having a baby?

Education is so important to a persons future. So why do some abandon it as soon as a pregnancy comes into the picture? Can you help me think of reasons as I am writing an article on this topic.

Drama presentation ideas?

Hey i have to make a mime script for drama and I was wondering anyone could give me some ideas. It can't have any killing though. It can be from 1-3 minutes long. Thanks.

Should I go to Job Corp this this year instead of returning to High School?

Alright, I will be 16 this August, and my Aunt mentioned Job Corp to me. Here is what has been going on in my life the past year. My mom, has basically abandoned me and my little sister. We are fine because we are with our father, and he takes very good care of us and provides any thing we need, and is very concerned about our education. I attended 7th grade two years ago, which I passed, but have not since then returned to school.. It's a very complicated story, and I won't go into detail.. But I can tell you that it was my mothers fault. It was her responsibility to make sure we were in school/have a ride to and from school etc... She never handled any of that. But on with the other stuff.. We do not associate with her any more. I am very frightened at the thought of returning to school, and not knowing how to do any of the assignments, or school work. My Aunt has always been here for me through thick and thin. She is one of the people I respect the most out of my whole mothers side (they are sisters) She also is in law school studying to become a lawyer. She was previously a nurse. She mentioned to me, that I could consider Job Corp, and sent me a link via my facebook page. I have read over the Job Corp official page, and have read all of the details about the center that I may be moving to if I decide that this is what I actually want to do. I'm really trying to get my life back together.. I feel like I'm never going to get any where, or have any form of education, and I'll end up working at a fast food restauraunt.. This is why I'm asking you. The Job Corps page said that they can help me earn my Highschool Diploma/GED. And give me job training, and afterwards help me get into a college. This all sounds so great, and it sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to get back on track. So basically what I'm asking is.. Should I sign up for Job Corp this year, and give it a shot? Or just return to highschool and wait another four or five years to get my Diploma. Keep in mind that the Job Corp program takes any where from 8 months to 2 years to complete. I want to choose the one that is best for my education and future.

Tattoo decisions and brewing the news?

You don't have to 'break the news' to your mom, she'll see it soon enough. Does your dad know how much tattoos cost? If he already knows most tattoos are a hundred dollars an hour, average, then you don't have to break THAT news to him.

What does this dream mean?

11th commandment, "Thou shall not Troll". by the way did you know there were 2 sets of commandments in the old testament? One from 3k years ago and one from 2500 years ago and they conflict.

What are some good beers?

I'm new to beer and was wondering what are the best beers that I can pick up at like a corner liquor store? I'm not talking like super fancy local brews, but the best types of beers that are widely available at liquor stores. I really don't care how much I spend, but I want it to taste good and still get drunk.

Childhood emotional abuse trauma+susceptibility to addiction?

Whether you love your mom or not isn't the issue. The issue is the trauma, traumas that you experienced as a child. What would help you is a correct diagnosis from a psychiatrist who is the specialist and possibly medication or just a referral to therapy. Unfortunately nobody on here can give you a diagnosis, but this seems to be something that is disrupting your life. That is when it is time to get some help.

How to fix a refurbished Wii?

My friend gave me his old Wii, and it is in great condition, and works with all of the new games that I bought. Unfortunately it is soft-modded, he said. It has update 4.2, and has the Home-brew Channel, as well as a program called Darkcorp 1.1. My friend said I probably wouldn't have a problem restoring everything, except for DarkCorp. He gave me an SD card with all of his homebrew stuff for me to uninstall everything from the wii. Now when I open up Darkcorp's files it says uninstall, and in it's description it says " Will uninstall patches". Does that mean if I uninstall this, and then uninstall the homebrew channel the wii will be virginized? Please somebody help me, I want this Wii to be clean!

How to get a cat out of a crawl space?

I'd say your best bet would be to call your local animal control or shelter. Despite what you may have heard, animal control won't kill or hurt the animals. In fact, the kittens, if there are any, have a good chance of being adopted.

How can I at least show my feelings for my best male friend?

He and I are thirteen-years-old. We both have very tough lifes over a parent abandoning other parent around birth, though mine is super weird including that this time the mother was who abused the father and then left. There are also other things that he and I only talk to each other about. We're both made fun of often in school. Sometimes I sort of fantasize about him. I'm not sure if he likes me more than a friend in ways, as I've been getting mixed signals. I'd like to know how can I tell him how I feel about him, express some of my feelings towards him, and possibly ask him out.

Help! my Dad's 50th! Birthday is next weekend! What to do?

Don't know what to send birthday gift? It's selection here. Although don't know your father like what kind of birthday gift, but I believe, he must be very like you to send his things.

Would you walk 5 miles to the beach if it was your only way to get there? Mom says i'm stupid?

My mom says i'm stupid to walk that far just to go to swimming. I always reply by asking why she won't drive me. Of course i get her usual responce that she is to busy. (I'm 15 and my mom and i dont get along very well ) So i walk.It takes about 2 hours. I leave at 7 in the morning walk a half mile up the road and get on the old railroad tracks and walk about 4 1/2 miles to the lake. There is a beach and a water slide. i take snorkeling lessons that are offered free and just have a good time. And the walk gives me some alone time to just think and dream. My mom says what if i get hit by a train or some creepy guy see's me dress for the beach and attacks me or what if it rains?? Well the tracks are abandoned and i actually walk on the truck path beside the tracks and if some guy is gonna jump out and attack me he isn't gonna care where i am going or what i'm wearing. As for the rain, i got caught in a down pour today on my way home. It's only water Right?? I don't think my mom really cares if any or all those things happen to me. She just wants to argue and discourage me. If she cared she would either drive me there or forbid me to go. So like most everything else in my life i do it on my own. One step at a time

File extension does not match MIME type.?

I am trying to upload a picture onto my wiki at this site. But it keeps saying File extension does not match MIME type.. Please help. What do I do.

How do I open the brew basket of a cv2 hotel coffee maker?

I am staying in a hotel. I feel like making a nice hot cup of coffee, so I walked over to the coffee maker. I looked at the back of the coffee grinds, and it says place in brew basket. It is silver and says "cv2" on it, but I can't get it open. The coffee pack doesn't say anything, I don't see a button, and I can't open it with my fingers. Help me!

How long does marijuana stay in your body? Are there ways to speed up the detoxification process?

it usually stays in your body anywhere between 36-72 hours. Drink alot of water! Flush your entire system out with tons of water. Drinking bleach (watered-down obviously) is a risky but sure way to get rid of anything in your system. Hope this helpp!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What is that new song featuring Chris Brown?

It's a song with some rappers and the video is kinda cool looking. At one part thy had their face painted white with black;; they kinda looked like mimes? it's from this year can sum1 pleeeaassee tell me what it is???

Is there a good spell checker for IE9?

How did Firefox become unstable? It is a more compliant platform than the Microsoftcentric IE9. Try figuring out what is actually wrong.

Is it ok to take small pieces of railroad rail left from railroad work that has been sitting their for awhile?

There are a couple of railroad rails that are no more then a foot long by railroad tracks that were worked over a year ago. Is it legal to take these small pieces? I think they would fall under abandoned goods.

Beer fermenting temp?

I have just brewed my first batch of beer and where the fermenter is currently it is usually around 85 degrees F.. will this completly ruin my beer or should it still be fine? please help???

Rate my Pokemon FireRed team, Suggestions?

Great Team. Very Diverse, especially since most of them together have at least one move from each type.

When will Congress wise up and create a bill that stops frivolous suits like this?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to act as a mental patient?

maybe pacing back and forth as if in deep thought, or sitting on the floor against a wall with your head in your hands. pulling at your hair as if you are extremelly anxious or upset about being put there. laying on the cell bed staring at the ceiling. hope this helps and congratulaions on your roll hope u do well! Break a leg :)

Mime costume help plz?

Well for a mime you need facepaint, google images of mimes. You can't do it without the make up, maybe plan a new costume, why won't your mom allow you to paint your face?

I just received a used turkey fryer set up and plan on using it for my 1st batch tomorrow.?

I just received a used turkey fryer set up and plan on using it for my 1st batch tomorrow. My question is it has some pitting and I just want to make sure it will not do anything to my brew.

Where do I take this idea?

Carry on writing and see where it takes you. If you already know how it ends - and you should - developing the plot shouldn't be too difficult. If someone else tells you how to continue, it won't be your story.

What music should i use for my presentation?

we have to do a mime presentation in drama and we have to have backround music. the setting of mine is in a grocery store. what music should iuse? plz help (i'd perfer an instrumental)

Is this good poem ?? girl poem!?

It's a nice play on he loves me he loves me not. Sometimes the flow bogs down. Ex. Does he know I love him lots?---For me he's on mine all the time. Does he think me just a mime-----Or does he think that my star shines.These are just suggestions where you can drop and add words that keep your meaning but make the poem's meter better. It's cute----Keep Writing-----------------------william

Would you say this is a fitting description of Man?

I see its depiction of man as spiritual and therefore not something I subscribe to, but I still enjoy the fantastical imagery.

Raising a kitten with a 3-year-old child?

As long as she is gentle and calm, it should be fine. I have a young kitten and as long as your not rough with it, it wont be rough with her. I would watch them together for a while first just to observe their behavior together. Other then that, it should be fine.


I agree you have to see someone in person to see if they are sincere and not lying.From what you have said it sounds like he gets angered easily.If he's not using you just for that,he seems like an ok guy.Defiantly wait until marriage to do that thing though.Sorry if this does not help:(

What is your favorite tea? Brewed or ice?

There are all kinds, earl grey, orange spice, black, chamomile, green tea, english breakfast tea. Hot or cold. My favorite is hot brewed Peppermint tea.

I'm gonna get completely black out drunk! What should I pound down the hatch?!?

I'M READY TO GET WASTED!!! Some bro's are coming over and we got so much alcohol it's not even funny! I'm going the distance tonight and hammering down booze till I lose! What should I slam? I wanna do an Everclear shots competition, Awwwwww yyyeaaah! Or should I just drink tequila or Rum? I don't wanna pound brews because that shytz doesn't get me F'd up, dog. What should I SLAM to get wasted, but something that'll minimize the hangover? ALPHA CIGMA REPRESENT, YO!

How did you settle your toddler into nursery?

My little one is 15 months and will be starting nursery soon for one whole day and another half day. Im naturallly anxious - what is the nest way to help ensure it is an easy transition for both of us? Im terrified he will feel upset and abandoned!

How old can u be to make your own beer?

im almost 18 ive been doing it for about two years now but ordering stuff over the internet can be a hassle and im fresh out of brewers yeast will they card me for an I.D at a home brew shop

Is tractatus logico-philosophicus worth reading?

Is the book worth reading seeing how (from what I've heard) Ludwig Wittgenstein kind of abandoned it and promoted his book Philosophical Investigations over it? By the way, I'm not suggesting it's an easy book to read (it's not), though I need to first know if it is a book worth reading before I attempt to read it. Thanks.

Is the overthrow of China about to start?

Just because the Chinese gov doesn't own the websites doesn't mean they can't block their people from viewing it.

Is my team good? pokemon fire red?

Great Team you have going there :D! But the main thing to change is the Two Flying Types. I'm not a big fan of two of the same type on the same team but you don't have to change it. Although for a Replacement I would go with Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan, or even a Ground Type(Sorry to uncreative to name XD) But I Have a Question, Is this an in game or After Main Game Team? If it in main game, Skarmoary can't be found. But if this is an After Main game Team go ahead and switch Pidgeot for the Wonderful Skarmory :P.

Should I go to the beach with my "friends" or not?

I think that you should go but you shouldn't worry about what Sara thinks about you. Don't let her ruin your good time just by saying those things! Now you know who your friends are and try your best to distance yourself from her because you know that at any given time she can go off! Just have a great time and act if she wasn't even there but be polite because you are going in her car and she is your transportation to and from the beach! Have fun!

How can i get a cat out of a crawl space?

if the cat comes out try trapping it in a box with the food then try getting a net long enough to scoop the kittens out ? sorry this is all i got my family use to have a cat with kittens in our crawl space if you do get them out try raising them the mom and the kittens try using a flash light to see how far their away try getting a few of your friends to help with this one get a long net have 1 person holding a box with air holes in it then once you get the cat in the net quickly put in in the box and close it try taping it but make sure it can breath then use the nets to get the kittens put them in an other box the drive or walk home open the box let the kittens and mom out make sure its a nice and open room and run like heck to get out of their and shut the door because shell likely be very mad we had to take in a mom and her kittens several times ( my family ) good luck oh and use long sleeved possibly a sweater and thick gloves long pants and boots so she wont scratch you try using sun glasses to protect your eyes ( i may have got to far on the protective clothing )

Can I legally sell my homemade beer and mead?

A relative of mine owns a venue and has a liquor license would he be able to serve homemade beer and mead? Would I have to get a license or have it my brewing area inspected or something of the such?

Just a math question?

A microwave can reheat 1 cup of coffee in 30 seconds. It takes a coffee-maker 10 minutes to brew 12 cups of coffee. If the coffee-maker requires 900 watts of power and the microwave requires 1200 watts of power, does it require more energy to brew 12 cups with the coffee-maker or reheat 12 cups of coffee in a microwave?

What is a good song to do a black light hand mime show to on Easter Sunday? (Contemporary Christian songs)?

My church is planning on doing a black light hand mime show on Easter Sunday and we have no idea what song to do it to. We have ideas for hand motions, just no song. Help?!

If you were in this situation....?

Honestly, I'd never abandon my animal. It'd be my fault that the horse was there in the first place. I'd take responsibility for my actions and protect both my horse and the bull as much as possible. The rider did abandon their horse. I understand that they saved themselves, and every other rider has done/will do the same to my knowledge, which is why I don't do rodeo. I don't like animal cruelty.

Advice on home brewing.?

A friend and i want to start making our own beer (who doesn't). I've seen lots of those home brewing kits but if i'm going to spend a few hundred dollars i want a good one. Does anyone have any advice/ hints? And I whats the best kit to get? the bigger the better.

How do i capture a Zaptos?

You can catch it without a master ball but it takes a lot more time and luck to do. First, save right in front of it before you start the battle. When you're fighting it, try and knock its health down to the very lowest it can go so the red health bar is barely visible. Then try using Ultra Balls continuously on it until you get it. It might take a few tries, but it definitely isn't impossible. Hope this helps :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

I want to start running to improve my fitness but I am embarrassed.?

Im the same exact way, i just started back doing it and i was completely embarassed. I wouldnt advise the back road since your a girl, as sad as that is to say. But if you do, most definitely take a knife with you because you never know what could happen. If you go on the highway just blast your music so you cant hear people passing by because people can be mean. But people arent going to do anything to make you feel embarassed because theyll just think ok another person running in the street whatever and not think twice about it.

Why did you choose your display name and picture?

Well I like the name jasper and the picture just says it all lol but I'm going to put my avi back up Sometime this week: )

Rights of the petitioning stepmother?

If she signs documents allowing him to take the children to the US, her rights would be very limited. She could at some point file a custody claim in a US court to try to get them back, but unless you and your husband are unfit parents, a judge would not rule in her favor. She could win joint custody, obtaining a legally enforceable agreement requiring the children to be returned to Mexico for a certain period each year. When the eldest child turns 21, he or she can petition the mother for immigration to the US if the child has naturalized as a US citizen. In the meantime, she is unlikely to get approved for a visitor's visa to enter the US.

My eldest son feels suicidal when he is anxious or angry.?

He has mild/borderline asperger's (atypical high functioning asperger's). His behaviour makes me really anxious. I took him to the doctor and we saw CAMHS and they just said because he has anger management issue in links to his "abandoning" father. Any tips?

Help me decide on the last Pokemon for my team?

I would suggest an electric type or a dark type. Personally dark type would by my choice. And I would definitely teach it dark pulse. I think Umbreon or Absol would do nicely.

Stop Quicktime .MPEG playback in Vista?

Since updating my Internet explorer to the latest version of 9 all streaming .MPEG videos have stopped opening in Windows Media Player and instead now open inside the browser window through Quicktime. I have tried every fix I could find including changing the MIME settings through Quicktime and the default file types for Windows Media Player. Nothing seems to work and it's driving me absolutely insane, someone please help!

I think my boyfriend lied to me?

Maybe he just didn't like it with her, but did with you. They could have had a sexual relationship, but just foreplay and not sex. Don't read too much into it.

Is these good horror movie plots?

I would rate the first one 6/10 and the second 5/10. They're not too bad. It's just that I don't really know too much about the story, just how it starts. And I feel like we've heard these types of plots before. Don't let that keep you from imagining new ideas though!

What to do with an untitled abandoned vehicle in my driveway that is not mine-in Texas?

A friend of ours purchased a car from disreputable car dealer without a title, and then he could not renew the registration or inspection, so he parked it in our driveway until he could get a hold of the dealer, but the dealer disappeared. That was 4 years ago, and now our HOA is threatening a fine if the car is not removed. We want to donate it, but we are not sure how to do that without a title or knowing who the owner is or where to locate him/her. What can I do?

Girls can you please offer some advice to a guy?

I feel I have have been led on by several girls in the recent past. They seem to have enjoyed spending time with me, one girl even asked me to go snowboarding twice with her after we had been surfing and insisted on paying for everything including meals and drinks and driving (a two and a half hour drive each way). I had paid online for lift tickets each time, but still. I do my best to hide my feelings but when I do show them I am left abandoned. Should I devote my life to my career; is life supposed to suck like this?

Good looking people get treated better? Well, I know this girl...?

Because people can be cruel. Tell her to move on to new, less shallow friends. It doesn't matter what she does, these people will continue to be jerks no matter what.

How do we stop our dog from chewing on things when we go to bed or leave the house?

Puppies need a lot of training n you need to find time. What you can do Is get a crate n put her in with a toy n leave the room see wat here progress is . Then u can get a camera n record her wen she is alone in a room . Keep on taking her out ever hour until she gets it. Eating poop is sumthing u can't really stop her for doing, just keep feces away from her as possible. Oh n for the recording her alone , see wat she does leave a lot of chew toys around the room and the instant you see her trying to bite anything not chewable get in the room and make a Loud noise. Do this over n over. Rember wen they r puppies try to keep them in one room till they get properly trained

Is it okay for me to feel like this?

So my birthday is tomorrow and i'm going to be spending it alone. At my house. I can't do anything fun like invite my friends over because i'm sick. My dad has to work, my brother is going to stay with our cousins, and my mom has to take my Granny Carolyn to a doctors appointment. So i'll be spending my birthday all by myself while i'm sick. I don't know if I should cry or get mad. Is it okay for me to be mad at everybody for abandoning me on my birthday? Is it okay for me to want to cry?

Where to go in Savannah for a good beer selection?

I'm looking to spend a few days in Savannah, Ga, in a couple weeks and I was wondering if anyone knows a place there with a wide selection of beers. Generally from all over the world, but I'm specifically fond of Belgian brews. Any recommendations?

Do you agree that if Pacquaio vs. Mayweather?

doesn't happen in the spring of 2012, then it will NEVER happen? I happen to think the perfect storm is brewing and am getting excited at the possibility of the chips falling into place for Pacquiao and Mayweather to happen in early 2012. Every thing seems to be on course for it to happen. However, if it doesn't, then I've lost all and absolute hope of it EVER happening. What do you think? Is it May 2012 or never?

Today's Doctor Who episode?

Nope. You are right! If you were a long time watcher then you would probably understand more... River has been there for a long, long time, and they have kissed before in other episodes, and she even hinted that they got married. She also knows his real name, so we can know for sure they are/have been/will become very close... :)

Owner of abandoned house?

The Land Register will almost certainly record who owns it. It costs a small fee to check it. As for laws about ownership, the owner of the house still owns it, even if it is abandoned.

Question about hypoglycemia and alcohol?

So I think that I have had hypoglycemia for a few years now ( I don't have diabetes though). I haven't been to the doctor for it yet because it hasn't been occurring all too often until just recently. Since it's summer time, what with more parties and get-togethers going on, I've been drinking a bit more lately. Mostly beer because of the heat. And also because someone I know really well just got a fake i.d. and can by beer whenever now (I'm one year short of that privilege), I have a lot more access to it. I have noticed that more and more after nights of drinking, I've had hypo attacks (mostly just tremors and shakiness) which I would have to check my blood sugar. It usually doesn't fall past the 70 mark. I'll eat something like fruit/candy or drink some juice and it will raise up over 100. Well last night I only had two beers while watching a movie, and that was right after dinner. I woke up this morning, had a couple slices of bread and tea and then like 30 minutes later, started getting shaky and had to get some sugar in me. I just had another episode only 2 days ago, which to be fair, was the morning after I had some beers since it was memorial day. Does it sound like I should just go easy on the brew, or maybe just start the whole small meal/snack every few hours?

Help! Abandoned Dog?!!!?

Awe she looks like a pit bull to me. And what you should do is keep the dog in a safe spot in your house. If you have a garage that should be okay because garages are usually a cool temperature when it's hot outside. And if the animal shelter doesn't come soon then I would say keep the dog for a while until you could find a good home for it.

I need information about corny kegs!!?

I am in the process of making a kegorator. I dont want to brew my own beer, i just want to have delicious ice cold beer always available. I like corny kegs cuz i can use a few of them, having more beer choices on tap instead of just one. So can i refill corny kegs. I like coors. I want coors! But dont want bottles or a huge keg. Anyone help!!!!

Pokemon LeafGreen Why won't my Mr. Mime obey me?

My Mr. Mime randomly started to disobey me when it got to level 31. All my other pokemon obey me just fine. Is it due to it's nature or something?

I like this girl alot, but I dont want to be too pushy, but I would like to ask her to be my gf one day?

Just keep having fun with her, but make sure you're flirty so you don't enter the friend zone. Don't wait too long to ask her out.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How do you keep a horse from stealing your stuff?

get some of the stuff that tastes disgusting, so then he puts it in his mouth he gets a nast suprise. but make sure u have plenty of water close to the object.

A question about red wine?

Does anyone know anything about wine? I have two questions: 1) We brewed some Rosso Grande for our wedding in 2008 and still have two bottles left, are they still good to drink? and 2) My husband won a bottle of Mormoreto Frescobaldi 2006, what should we drink this with?

Lonely is the song i sing?

yo . . . what is this? is this a rap, or what? its REALLY, and i mean REALLY, not sequential and doesnt make sense, sorry man. i mean, "fast food is oh so yummy"? whats the purpose of that line? it goes from topic to topic with no real coherent linking subject. im really sorry, i dont wanna be a dick, but this is weak, really weak. 2/10

Is Job Corp worth attending, and is it a better option then finishing High School?

Alright, I will be 16 this August, and my Aunt mentioned Job Corp to me. Here is what has been going on in my life the past year. My mom, has basically abandoned me and my little sister. We are fine because we are with our father, and he takes very good care of us and provides any thing we need, and is very concerned about our education. I attended 7th grade two years ago, which I passed, but have not since then returned to school.. It's a very complicated story, and I won't go into detail.. But I can tell you that it was my mothers fault. It was her responsibility to make sure we were in school/have a ride to and from school etc... She never handled any of that. But on with the other stuff.. We do not associate with her any more. I am very frightened at the thought of returning to school, and not knowing how to do any of the assignments, or school work. My Aunt has always been here for me through thick and thin. She is one of the people I respect the most out of my whole mothers side (they are sisters) She also is in law school studying to become a lawyer. She was previously a nurse. She mentioned to me, that I could consider Job Corp, and sent me a link via my facebook page. I have read over the Job Corp official page, and have read all of the details about the center that I may be moving to if I decide that this is what I actually want to do. I'm really trying to get my life back together.. I feel like I'm never going to get any where, or have any form of education, and I'll end up working at a fast food restauraunt.. This is why I'm asking you. The Job Corps page said that they can help me earn my Highschool Diploma/GED. And give me job training, and afterwards help me get into a college. This all sounds so great, and it sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to get back on track. So basically what I'm asking is.. Should I sign up for Job Corp this year, and give it a shot? Or just return to highschool and wait another four or five years to get my Diploma. Keep in mind that the Job Corp program takes any where from 8 months to 2 years to complete. I want to choose the one that is best for my education and future. I've been reading a lot on it, and I have came across a lot of negative feedback. Like that Job Corps did not help them in any way, and that it wasted two years of their lives etc.. I mean, if I have to.. I will go back to High School, and graduate.. But I want what is in my best interest. Please help because I have to make this decision before the school year begins in a month and a half.

Does "Popping" actually belong to Hip-Hop?

I mean.. popping is a funk dance (and has a different origin), but I usually can see b-boys using some popping moves when performing toprock. For example: botting, miming.

I've been really sad all day because my Jewish mentor abandoned me?

The entire day I've been feeling like I'm on the verge of tears... like I want to cry, but no tears come out....

Why would someone use negative propaganda against a whole group of people?

For the same reason that person blocks everyone who answers their question honestly but disagrees. ∠°)

Does Iced Parsley Tea work anywhere near as well as hot parsley tea?

I use parsley tea to speed up my period and try to keep it regulated, heating some up when I realize I'm missing my period. I've only drinken it hot. It's summer... and in California. I'm not really in the best setting to be downing hot tea. I'm sure I could brew it and then cool it off, but is there another method, with/without parsley that will speed up the process?

What to do with 3 stray kittens?

We found them in a box, apparently their mother abandoned them. I'm not allowed to keep them, but I don't want to give them to a shelter in case they kill them? Should I just look around for a home for them? I won't be allowed to keep them for more than a few days...

Should you use a silencer to shoot a mime?

Well you can't shoot a mime with a silencer because there are no such thinks as silencers, but there are compressors to make the "boom" less loud. So the answer to your question is no.

I need real help risky thing to do but might be worth it?

so lately me and my girlfriend has been sexually active and we been together for 1 year now and her dad caught us and now i cant see her anymore hes the biggest dick in the world a person you wouldn't ever . see so negative is him. we were thinking about me leaving a bruse on her and telling the cops and he would go to jail for a very long time and he would go to jail for brewing ethanol without a license he use to like me but cause shes a teenager now shes prob about to get beat by her dad that hit her all her life so help please 10 Pt's for the best answer!! btw she has no mom

Reasons to not believe in a God?

I've been doubting my religion (Christianity) for some time. Is there a God?, Why should i believe in something I can't see. Why should I abandon faith?. Why do I think there is no God?. Why do you believe or not believe?

Do you think its shameful to do a runner?

Its not cowardly at all. We are hard wired for fight or flight. So how could successfully eluding your enemies and living to fight another day ever be considered cowardly? I think it was a brilliant and effective tactical decision which demonstrated your field worthy military acumen and judgment. Bravo.

Why can't I let go with issues and not care about them so much? ?

when I have any kind of problem that I run into every day j wilnkeep it in miming throuhout the entire day. Is there any way to relax my mind and set it free? It's practically runining my life