Thursday, July 21, 2011

Actors who used to be bad actors?

I have always heard that Marylin Monroe was terribly shy and a very poor actress when she began in the business. She worked very hard with acting coaches to play each part. I am not an actress, but I was very shy when I began to waitress out of high school. You quickly learn that the way to make the Good money is by being friendly and outgoing. Try to not take everything you do and say so seriously, and allow yourself to really become the character....imagine that you are really that person. And so what if you make mistakes or are offered criticisms--that is the reason for taking classes. After a period of forcing yourself to just do it, you will find that it begins to come naturally. A tip from a Bandmember I once dated (who was pretty shy, yet sang on stage nightly): its all about the confidence. If you sing awkwardly and self-conscious, it will sound bad, but if you just imagine that you're good and belt it out, you will sound great. Good luck, and stick with the lessons. Will make a difference in your life and attitude.

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