Thursday, July 21, 2011

I like the youth intern and want to be friends but....?

Hi(: Im Sophia and I am 13 years old. I go to church and this summer they have a youth intern. I have a crush on him, but he is 21. I know I don't have a chance with him, but I would love to become his friend. Here's what has happened the past two weeks: At church, one of the main people introduced him to all of the youth, I thought nothing of him. Just said, oh okay, he's going to help out. So that Sunday night, he was at mime practice. He told us his amazing testimony and I was in awe. Then, while we were doing a mime called "King of Hearts" and it was time for "Jesus" to do his part. He said "Lets go, (then Jesus in Spanish)" I laughed so hard that I forgot to do my part. He smiled. So I went a week without seeing him. Then, next Sunday at church he sat on the opposite side and I kept on looking at him and he knew. He looked at me and mouthed, "Focus, we can talk after church." and I smiled. So after church we had a VBS volunteer meeting. I sat in the front row with my friends and then he came to speak. I just looked at him and smiled, and he did the same. Mime started earlier than usual so I just asked my mom if I could stay until mime ended. She said yes. So, I helped my bible study leader move tables and stuff so we could practice. There were about three other people there, too. And he changed out of his church clothes and came back. Me and the other four people went ahead and started practicing. He helped me with some simple stuff. Then, when mime practice started, we did a mime that I didn't know so I just sat on the floor with my hands behind me. He pretended to step on my fingers. I smiled. He was helping some people step by step and my bible study leader told me to go and watch, so I did. He wanted me to hi five him, but I didn't see him put his hand out, so I didn't know. And that's about all I "talked" to him I guess. Then, VBS started this week. Monday I didn't talk to him but, I added him on facebook and he added me back, Tuesday I still didn't talk to him, Wednesday I high-fives him, Today I tried to high-five him but he pulled his hand back, I just smiled. We were playing four corners with the little kids and I was on the ground and my friend that is like as tiny as a stick was trying to help me off the ground couldn't, so he was right beside me so I said "Here, let ***** try." He pulled me of the ground and smiled. We played four corners and me and my skinny friend were bragging about how we lost and he was just laughing at us. There was a carnival at church that night and I went up to him and gave him a high five when I first got there and he asked how I was doing and I said good then went with my friends. Then, before I was about to leave, he was talking to some people and I was just waiting there because I wanted to say goodbye. He noticed me and I gave him a hi five and asked him "Wheres your bullhorn?" (because he always has a bullhorn) and he laughed and said in a awkward voice "Not here right now." I think that was a mistake. Then, when I got home, I tagged him in a facebook status saying: "Had fun at church carnival tonight(: Hung out with friends, high fived (his name) (our awesome youth intern who loves bullhorns(; haha) and just had fun(:" He didn't comment or even liked it so I think that was a mistake, too. On Friday I kind of avoided him. He is at camp right now with the rest of the youth, so i wolnt see him for like two weeks. I want to really get to know him but I don't know how. I think I'll just make more mistakes!? I really need help on how to talk to him. Should I chat with him on facebook, take the "how are you doing" to an actual conversation, or what!? So, what should I do?? Thank you so much!!!

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