Friday, July 15, 2011

Question about hypoglycemia and alcohol?

So I think that I have had hypoglycemia for a few years now ( I don't have diabetes though). I haven't been to the doctor for it yet because it hasn't been occurring all too often until just recently. Since it's summer time, what with more parties and get-togethers going on, I've been drinking a bit more lately. Mostly beer because of the heat. And also because someone I know really well just got a fake i.d. and can by beer whenever now (I'm one year short of that privilege), I have a lot more access to it. I have noticed that more and more after nights of drinking, I've had hypo attacks (mostly just tremors and shakiness) which I would have to check my blood sugar. It usually doesn't fall past the 70 mark. I'll eat something like fruit/candy or drink some juice and it will raise up over 100. Well last night I only had two beers while watching a movie, and that was right after dinner. I woke up this morning, had a couple slices of bread and tea and then like 30 minutes later, started getting shaky and had to get some sugar in me. I just had another episode only 2 days ago, which to be fair, was the morning after I had some beers since it was memorial day. Does it sound like I should just go easy on the brew, or maybe just start the whole small meal/snack every few hours?

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