Saturday, July 23, 2011

Have Young Earth Creationists abandoned the "living fossils" argument that used to claim that various.....?

These people are desperate, so they cling to any idiotic idea. The problem for them is that the 'gaps' in which 'god' can hide are getting smaller and smaller, so they have to recycle arguments, even tho' they know they have been destroyed, in hopes of winning a small skirmish in the presence of a younger generation.

Looking for new bands to listen to?

I listen to pretty much everything hardcore, punk, and metal, from Veara to A Day to Remember to Parkway Drive to Suicide Silence to MXPX to Four Year Strong to Underoath to Mastodon to Enter Shikari to Abandon All Ships to We Came as Romans. I already listen to a LOT of bands but tell me any band I don't know/listen to and i'll look them up

Could this be a sign of sickness?

So for the past few days, I have been extremely overwhelmed. I just found out that my dad might possibly have cancer and for the past few days, I honestly feel like I'm living in a nightmare. Nothing seems real except I know it is. I've started feeling lost, abandoned, and also sick. My mom and I have always got along but for the past couple days, I feel like she doesn't know me at all and that she's judging me. Once in a while, I'll feel nausiated and dizzy, but I haven't actually thrown up at all. I was just wondering if my feelings emotionally could be a symptom of a sickness or what not. So basically, I'm dizzy, feeling lost, abandoned, and misunderstood. Thanks to any helpful answers!

Do you think this commercial is demeaning to our sport?

it's insulting, yes. I didn't drink that piss water they sell before, and i damn sure wouldn't drink it now that they've publicly insulted my sport.

I need help finding out a movie name, but I only remember one scene....If I describe it to you could you help?

Okay, all I remember is that it's a rather new movie(within the last 1-2 years), it's about zombies and the scene that I remember is there is this woman and a man and the go into this abandon dark diner/gas station thingy and there the man(kinda looks like an officer or something) leaves her to find something and she sits and gets a drink of water and then sees a zombie so she goes into this room where she has to lay with other dead bodies to blend in, then the man(officer dude) grabs her from behind and she screams and he muffles her voice and she realizes it's him so she stops fighting and screaming and they go into this other room with a semi-truck in it and they open the door to get in and a dead man falls out and they get in while zombies are coming after then...that's all I remember...HELP ME PLEASE! the movie name has been bugging me forever!!! lol

Can I put poppyseeds in my pot of coffee and brew then together?

I want to brew a pot of coffee and try putting poppyseeds in with the coffee to brew --what do yoy think???

Have you ever seen south east asian half north east asian that turn out look like biracial asian-caucasian?

Wow strange. I have not seen that outcome, but i know some people who are mixed with Southeast Asian and Northeast Asian. They just look Asian.